
I had a weird dream..can someone explain it?

by Guest32637  |  earlier

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I had a dream that Miley Cyrus came to my house and said she was my cousin and we kept in contact when she went on tour and stuff. I wasn't even thinking about her that day...can anyone explain...and it felt so real if that helps...explain please!




  1. I have werid ones like that. Before the Jonas Brothers were my friend in gym class? lmao

    I think you just saw or heard soemthing about miley cyrus a few days before this dream occurd.

  2. Everybody in your dream is an aspect of yourself. What does Miley Cyrus represent to you? If you had to describe her personality, what words would you choose? Now: take those words, and apply them to yourself. Your dream self is encouraging you to develop those qualities (qualities that are dormant/latent in your own personality, and ought to be brought to the fore) in your waking life.

    Or; you saw her on T.V. recently... I think your subconcious is telling you to concentrate on developing those positive qualities that you admire in Miley Cyrus, tho'...

    PS- when you dream of a house, it represents the self-- what room of the house were you in? Basement = subconcious. Attic/ upstairs = higher self/concious self; bedroom often connotes sexuality; living room = social life; kitchen/ dining room can mean nurturing/spiritual nourishment...

  3. Well maybe you heard her name or saw her that day. Because that is wierd.

  4. Maybe you saw her on tv sometime that evening  

  5. To dream of a famous person(s) signifies your pursuit for pleasure or an admiration for this person that you may have such as personality or wealth or popularity.

    I think that their are some qualities that maybe you have noticed about her that you want to put to use in your life. Could be just that maybe you want to be rich and famous or have the fun that she has.  

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