
I had a weird dream...?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so last night I had a dream I was in the restroom just hanging out there for some reason. I didn't need to use the bathroom or anything. Then these ladies come in and are waiting in line to use the bathroom, but they can't hold it. And for some reason there's pee on floor in the bathroom-room where the sinks are and where the line is. And they HAVE to clean up all the pee if they want to use a stall, or just pee on the ground right there.

So I tell them to just pee right there because the pee smelling paper towels in the trash right next to me was really sickening me out. So they did, and their pee was right in front of the stalls, and the girl in there got mad because she couldn't get out of her stall because there was pee right there.

So this whole thing was just weird, so I looked out the window and there's this thing with a dog head and a cats body climbing on this telephone wire thing...

Oh and there was something about my dog, some guy nailing his snowboards to a wall, but I can't remember that part really well.

Then I woke up[I didn't have to pee or anything though]...

What the h**l kind of dream was this!!?! What does it even mean?!!




  1. maybe you're first dream wants you to know that you have a bladder controll issue. ahah. i really dont know though.

    and that second one was wierd. i guess its like deja vu. its happend to me a couple times, i think maybe he really had seen that person before he had the dream but he didnt realize it. like he saw him in a crowd or something but cant remember.... his brain just does. (that sounds wierd tho) or maybe fate or God or someone wants him to talk to this "dream person".

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