
I had a wet dream last night involving my mother,i am so ashamed:(....

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im 20 and i sometimes have wetdreams......last night i didnot actually have a wetdream,i was about to but then i woke up scared,gasping for breath because the girl/woman looked like my mom....i havent slept for two days...i feel so guilty and ashamed...i cant even look at my mother in the face...i feel like crying....i keep getting bad thoughts as to why i had this freaking dream,please someone help me.......:( and im on antidepressants for 3 years,i didnot take any medicine for 2 days before i had the dream,maybe that cud be the reason and i am also taking strong antibiiotics because of a severe throat infections...the only reason i can think is that the medicines were playing with my mind




  1. Freud believed that all children have some kind of natural Oedipus and Electra complexes relating to their opposite s*x parents while going through puberty.  It is a normal part of development that passes when we resolve issues with the authority of our same s*x parents by maturing and beginning appropriate relationships to the opposite s*x.  

    I don't think you have the hots for your mother.  It was just a dream that may indicate that you feel your mother is overbearing when it comes to your relationships with women.  Explore that and get some sleep.  

  2. What you have to remember is that dreams cannot be interpreted literally.  Most people dream at one point or another that they died.  Does that mean that they actually died in real life soon after?  No.

    The dream doesn't mean that you want to have s*x with your mother.  Perhaps it is indicating that, subconsciously, you are looking for a woman who has characteristics similar to your mother's (not necessarily physical ones).

  3. There isn't a meaning for every dream you have. Some dreams are just a bunch of scrambled up thoughts thrown together in no particular order. And some are created by outside stimulus such as a TV or a Radio left on. Or someone talking within hearing distance. Dreams can also be created by biological problems such as needing to take a dump or indigestion. Just to mention a few. An excess build up of seamen can trigger a wet dream. And if your mother was on your mind at the same time, it could turn out very weird.

    So don't let your dreams mess with your head.

    Sleep well.  

  4. I don't know if you believe in God, but as a pastor I have had the same kinds of dreams about family members.  Yes, even Christians have the same type of dreams.  But I can tell you this that the wet dream that you had does not mean you had a deep, hidden, desire to have s*x with your mother.  So, you have nothing to be ashamed of.  But wet dreams are inspired by evil spirits which have a avenue or access to your life through stress, worry, fear, lust or something type of thing which is sinful in your life.  These evil spirits or demons can cause you to have wicked, perverted , dreams for the purpose of bringing confusion into your life and making you feel the way you do now.  They work confusion in your life for the purpose of bringing you further down, like they are doing now.  For example, I have had to counsel people who had wet dreams about the same s*x.  And they were confused, thinking they had a hidden desire for the same s*x, because of the dream they had.  But I just wanted to share with you where the dreams were coming from.  Okay take care.  Patrick.

  5. If you've been on the antidepressants for 3 years and didn't take them for 2 days, it would probably affect lots of things.  From what littl I know

    I don't think it's recommended to stop them all at once.  Don't go off them without your doc being involved, because I think it's gradual.

    Type the names of them in your search engine and it should give you

    more info on them.  I'd say that was probably the cause, and not the antibiodic.

    Don't be ashamed.  Dreams are not things you have control over.

    God bless.

  6. Rest easy.  Given your state of treated depression, leaving off the meds even for two days and fighting an infection while on anti-biotics no doubt affected your dream projection.

    Wet dreams are normal and nothing to be ashamed of.  That your mother's face turned up may be partly due to the fact that she is likely a nurturing type (most are) and therefore a tenderness in mind and heart attach.  These emotions also figure into the stuff of wet dreams, even if most males don't sense it that strongly.  There is therefore a linkage that can easily place your mother in the middle of something where she would not be expected or desired.

    The mind is a wonderful, mysterious and sometimes painful thing.  All that it produces by way of dreams and random thoughts is not expected or desired.  It's just part of being human - and it gets more complex with the meds we have available today.  They help greatly but have effects of their own.  

    In the case of anti-depressants the most profound effects usually occur when we start psychotropic type drugs - and when we drop their use - especially if abruptly and even a couple of days can do this.  Add to that the infection - which likely carries at least a low-level feverish presence which can alter dreaming 'equilibrium' and you find what you did - something a bit skewed from the ordinary.

    Let it go - it is not borne of some perverse desire but a product of chemical reactions in your brain.  You've no reason to not look your mother in the eye with the same admiration and love that you always have - nor to expect anything less from her.

    Regarding the meds, you would know of course to follow your doctor's orders carefully - and likely he would not want you to drop the anti-depressants this way.  Get back on them unless you've been told to drop them.  Normally that would be via a tapering off of dosage over time.  

    Inner spirit - or that of your beliefs - is vital, but consider that we are cared for by those given talent to do so.  If you have a doctor you trust then you can follow that with confidence.

    Again, let this go - it is a random event not driven by a real desire, just a skewed depiction borne of some thready ties emotionally that got amplified into something odd by the chemicals affecting your dreams right now.

    All the best to you.

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