
I had a wierd dream last night. can you help me figure it out?

by  |  earlier

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well i dreamt that one of my favourite bands (dragonforce) stopped by my house because my dad had emailed them telling them that i was a huge fan. I was excited as they started to turn up one by one. The first to show was the guitarist herman li and he was really kind and treated me as a long lost friend. Then the bassist, drummer, second guitarist and keyboardist appeared and all were equally as nice. But then the singer appeared at the door. To put it bluntly he was an as*hole and started calling me names and asking himself why he was here in the first place when he had better things to do. then he stormed off a got in him limo and drove away. I spent the rest of the day with the remaining band members.

So does this dream mean anything of is it just a random thing. i think about bands alot and i'm always listening to music




  1. It means that the late night Stilton and pilchard sandwich may not have been one of your better ideas. :-)

  2. LOL,crazy dream can i get best answer now.

  3. a big surprise will let you down

  4. wow, you need some better dreams if all you have is those losers!

  5. you're questioning your self worth

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