
I had a wisdom tooth pulled 3 days ago and it is still tender and hurting.?

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How long til the throbbing and pain get better? It is not where I can't take it but it still throbs and is sore.




  1. it is quite normal for it hurt. You need to take your medication & keep the extrated site clean. Take anti biotics & pain killers as prescribed.

  2. Give it another two days or so.  Follow the directions on what and what not to do that the doctor gave you.  It wasn't until the 3rd day that I could even eat.  I was swollen for about 3-4 days and then after the 4th or 5th day things got alot better very quickly.

  3. My daughter had her wisdom teeth pulled and hurt for a long time.  She finally went to see the dentist and he said that she had a dry socket.  I doubt this is what is wrong with you because it has only been three days and the pain sounds normal for the time it has been healing but it can happen around 2 to 5 days after the extraction.  Here are some ways to avoid dry socket:

    Avoid spitting for the first few days.

    Don't drink with a straw for the first few days.

    Don't drink carbonated beverages for two to three days after your tooth extraction.

    Gently brush teeth adjacent to the extraction site.

    Don't rinse your mouth vigorously or excessively.

    Resist the desire to touch the extraction site with your fingers or tongue.

    Eat soft foods and foods that don't have residuals, which are particles that may lodge in your socket. Avoid pasta, popcorn and peanuts, for example. Instead, eat mashed potatoes, pudding, or clear or cream soups

    Here are some symptoms so you know if you have it.

    Partial or total loss of the blood clot at the extraction site, which you may notice as an empty-looking (dry) socket

    Visible bone in the socket

    Pain that increases between one and three days after tooth extraction and that typically becomes severe and unrelenting

    Pain that radiates from the socket to your ear or eye on the same side of your face

    Bad breath or a foul odor coming from your mouth

    Unpleasant taste in your mouth

    Swollen lymph nodes around your jaw or neck

  4. These things take time. when i have teeth pulled the spots where they were are red for quite a while but after a week or two the tenderness goes away and i can eat and brush my teeth normally. Also an easy food to eat is a bowl of rice.

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