
I had a wonderful dream?

by Guest34412  |  earlier

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I had a dream where I was visiting my old elementary school with my sister when I met some of my friends that had left. Those friends were going to go to another high school. With them was a friend named Roger that I had been really close to. Suddenly all those people went away and there was only me and Roger. I guess I kind of fell onto the black asphalt of the track and I was just laying there on my side, looking at the grass. And then he lied down next to me. He was behind me and hugged me. For a while we just lied there did nothing. Him just holding me and me, well I was strangely content.

The thing is when we both went to the same school, I never really "liked" him. He was a friend,a close one.

What does that mean?

I remember feeling so happy, safe, content, and warm. I haven't been anything but depressed in a long time.

He would run his hands on my arm and face and make me feel so happy and warm inside...

So what am I supposed to do?




  1. Your dream isn't about Roger, but about your desire to go back to a time where being happy, and therefore safe, was close to you. You mentioned being depressed so it's very easy to see that you're using Roger-- a person you had no connection to at the time when you could have him-- as a crutch. You desire to be happy, you want to feel good about life again, but you can't seem to get yourself out of the headspace you're in. You may also be very lonely so, for comfort, your subconscious is turning to a neutral, safe person who won't hurt you: Roger.

    I'd recommend seeking out the root of your depression. You may need to think about starting therapy to do this. Once you have a handle on why you're depressed, you can make steps toward being happy again and you'll realize that you don't need Roger to make you feel happy about yourself or life. The dreams will probably stop. Although don't feel strange about having dreams like this. Many people have them, especially in times of their lives where they feel out of control or depressed and they crave some kind of safety or security.

    But don't think that you suddenly need to find Roger and tell him he's the love of your life-- he's not. He's simply the placeholder your brain is giving you.

  2. It's so obvious, he loves you. Even though you may not have felt the same way he always did and he maintained being a great friend because he didn't want to risk the chance of losing that friendship. I was also afraid of asking my best friend out because I was afraid I would ruin such a great friendship. But I cared for her so much, I always was there for her no matter what. And I'm guessing Roger was the same way.

    Talk to him!! Tell him about the dream, find out his reaction you may hear something that will be surprising.

    And those great sercurity feelings just means that he is the right guy for those needs and wants that you look for in a boyfriend. Don't lose that!

  3. Have more dreams!!!

    I have nice dreams sometimes before the alarm clock smashes them :/

  4. i don't know but if you find out let me know i have had similar dreams. tmm

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