
I had an Knee Arthroscopy yesterday?

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..... They gave me narcotics to take. They take about 3 hours to work, and I can take them every 4 hours. After three hours of taking them I can walk, with pain sitll. And I can also put some weight on it.

Without them I can't bear weight, and it hurts really bad.

I had two inseisons done. They shaved off some of my menisicus.

What should I do? Should I walk on it?

Any advice?




  1. u should be using the crutches until u can bear weight without too much pain(at least for a couple of day) if not u may wind up reinjuring ur knee and wind up having to have a second surgery

  2. You need to call your doctor and tell them that the narcotic is not relieving the pain.  They will either advise you to take a higher dosage or call you in something better.

    Your body will heal much quicker if you are not in pain.  Do NOT walk on it until your doctor says it ok.  When I had my artho a year ago, I didn't bear weight for about a week.  I think that is normal.  I'm having my ACL replaced next week and they said that would also be a week with no weight bearing.  You could probably bear a little weight the 4th or 5th day post-op with the assistance of your crutches.  You do not want to do any damage.  Your knee needs time to heal and when you bear full weight, you are just making it worse and the healing process longer.  

    For the pain right now, you can call your pharmacisist and ask if you could take an anti-inflammatory along with your narcotic, that will help the swelling.  You should also make sure it's elevated (with a pillow or two) and you are icing often.  

    Good luck and I hope you get some relief!  The ACL replacement is my 3rd knee surgery in a year; so I have alot of sympathy for you!  

  3. I concur with all bodo said, except if your pain meds have any tylenol or ibuprofen in them, don't take any extra.  To make absolutely sure that you can take some ibuprofen or aleve to reduce inflammation and pain, check with the pharmacist.

    Everyone senses pain differently- the doc usually gives out what works for MOST people.  Asking for better pain treatment is essential for your speedy recovery.

    Also try icing your knee.  That can also help with the pain and swelling.  Did the doc give you an ice wrap device to take home?  If so, make sure that the water is emptied out and ice replenished on a  four or five hour rotation.

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