
I had an accident on HWY in Corpus Christi how do I contest???

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On vacation I was driving on the HWY in corpus christi heavy traffic due to holiday weekend of the 4th. Cars in front of me starting slamming on brakes, I was the unfortunate driver that veered to the right to miss the car in front of me and a truck was parked on the shoulder no hazard lights on and not completely on the shoulder his tires were touching the white line. Cars in front of me kept going as they hit nothing, and I hit the car on the shoulder. I got the ticket how can I contest this so far away without having to go back to Corpus Christi? I live in Dallas, do i just write a letter contesting a plea of not guilty and explain??? Please help!!




  1. Bummer.  But a letter won't do it.

    You might try calling the clerk of court down there, they're usually pretty good about telling you straight what you can & can't do -- they might have some kind of procedure set up to cover your situation.

    Otherwise, you can get a lawyer to appear for you.  I bet there's a state-wide firm of traffic court lawyers, try the yellow pages, or the state bar website.

    good luck.

  2. You must go to the court hearing.  If you do not they will issue a warrant for your arrest.  Sounds stupid but I had the same thing in NJ.  They make you appear because you are an out of state resident for some reason.  Unfortunately in they eyes of the law you are at fault in this situation because you were not maintaining proper distance between vehicles, and did not have full control of your vehicle.  It is B.S but that is the way the law is written.

  3. write the letter but your gona have to go there sometime i just pay and get over it..[thats just me]

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