
I had an assignment and have to submit it after my holiday..hope you can solve it. ?

by  |  earlier

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1) 2(9^x) + 3^(x-1) + 4 = 2[3^(x +1)]

Find the first three terms of the expansion square root of (1 + 2x)/(1 - 2x )in ascending powers of x.

By substituting x = 0.01, find an approximation for square root of 51 correct to five significant figures.




  1. 1st QUESTION.

    OK, two solutions are possible

    1.) x = ln ( 3 / 2 ) / ln ( 3 ) = 0.36907

    2.) x = ln ( 4 / 3 ) / ln ( 3 ) = 0.26186

    To solve it simply write 9 = 3 ^ 2 and then divide the whole equation by 3 ^ x, it will give,

    4 * (3 ^ -x) + 2 * (3 ^ x)  = 6 - 1/3

    Now simplify (take the LCM which is 3^x on LHS) and write it as

    6 * (3 ^ 2x) - 17 * (3 ^ x) + 12 = 0

    Now take 3 ^ x = y, there fore, 3 ^ 2x will be  y ^ 2, it will now become a quadratic equation, 6 * (y ^ 2) - 17y + 12  = 0

    Solve and then find the value of y = 3 ^ x, take ln on both sides and then calculate.

    Good question.

    To find the square root of 51 take B = sqrt (51)

    Now use newton repitive error reduction method.

  2. 1) 2(9^x) + 3^(x-1) + 4 = 2[3^(x +1)]


    This was solved by graphing and finding where the root lies (it lies between 0.3 and 0.4) and then using Newton's method.

    You cannot solve it any other way.(i.e. algebraically)

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