
I had an awesome dream?

by  |  earlier

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this dream i had last night was just....i guess there are no words to describe it but ill tell ya what it was a bout i was standing on a shore somewhere i think it was in cali it was night and i was nude lol and my dad drove up in his car and i thought if only i caould fly away without him seeing me and i thought and thought really really hard and all of a sudden i started to fly just like that so i went and got some clothes and came back to my dad and i go look dad im flying he said yea thats great son like he didnt care so i was like ok whatever then out of nowhere i run into this girl and she could fly as well so we started racing each other over the ocean i totaly went way faster then she could ever go but we where up in the clouds just flying around and playing we where going so fast and it was so fun but we had to rest at this deserted island it looked nice so e stoped for a few minuts and took off again flying wherever we wanted and then i woke up i need to know what this means




  1. Maybe you have a girl on your mind.

    You might have been thinking, "If i can fly, then maybe I can get with this girl"

    I don't know if thats right but just a guess!


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