
I had an e-mail sent to me that showed a rooster crossing a plank with all the hens following him? anyone?

by  |  earlier

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It was a field scene showing him crossing a stream atop a old barn siding piece followed by his hens.




  1. It's probably an animated or "made up picture"

    not real tbh i doubt .....

  2. OMG!! I love that picture!  I had that email sent to me too!  It is of a white rooster and a bunch of white hens trying to follow him, but it looks like he is running away.  It made me laugh so hard.  It was my desktop background for a while.

    Anyways, what is your question?

  3. I'm sorry; what is your question?

  4. I dont know what you are asking, but hens do follow the roosters because they feel safe and protected, the roo protects his gals.

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