
I had an erotic dream about a woman?

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and I can't figure out what it means. I am a straight white woman in a committed relationship with a man. Heres the dream:

I meet an attractive black woman who is flirting with me very aggressively, and after she makes many advances on me, we make out, which even in my dream I thought was weird and out of character for me, but I liked it. Then she turned away from me and acted like I was the one coming on to her, she didn't want to be around me anymore even though I know she liked me. I am left wondering why she made advances in the first place. What the heck does this mean?




  1. my gawd!!! didn't you just say it was a dream....dreams don't mean anything just have more of those erotic dreams and just laugh it out

  2. i think in your past life you're a L*****n!

  3. Most people dream to discharge their day -- dreams are the result of what happened that day or what happened just before sleep (so no scary movies right before bed!). Dreams also represent feelings and thoughts that we harbor inside; dreams allow the release of unconscious material that cannot come out other ways.

    Because our culture is so heterosexually oriented, it's no surprise that your dreams usually involve guys. But the fact that you had an erotic dream about a woman is also not a surprise. According to some dream analysts, all parts of the dream are about the dreamer. So, if that were true, imagine that in your recent dream you embraced and found a sensation of ''love'' for a part of yourself that perhaps was lying dormant or unloved.

    Your sexual past was somewhat tragic. I sense that the dream about a woman may also speak to the trauma that was done to you by men in the past. The fantasy of having s*x with a woman is much safer, in the fabric of your history, than proceeding with men again sexually. It's logical that your erotic energy goes somewhere with a female to avoid repeating the sexual harms of your past. It's also possible that your erotic attention that night for a woman signaled your need for intimacy and romantic closeness with another person. If so, maybe it's time to explore relationship opportunities and open the gates for real love in your life.

  4. Well not to generalize too much, but it is much more common for women to be attracted to both sexes than it is for men.  For better or for worse, most men are either g*y or straight.  Most women, no matter how they identify, are in-between.  I've known lots of lesbians who occasionally had discreet affairs with guys and every woman I've ever been with has at least thought about other women from time to time, if not actually been in relationships with them (before being with me).

    As for what your dream means, it's probably something a bit less literal than what you actually dreamt.  It could represent your own latent sexual confusion or a latent sexual desire.  The Black woman in your dreams could actually represent your subconscious, both acting as the aggressor in being with a woman, but also running away from it.

    Have you ever been with a woman or thought about it?

    Being "straight" and in a committed relationship doesn't mean you can't enjoy the occasional fantasy.  Lots of male/female couples use L*****n (or other) p**n as part of their sexuality.  If you feel like there's part of you that is ignoring your natural tendencies, it could be manifesting itself this way.

    I would talk about it with your partner and maybe incorporate certain aspects of this "fantasy" into your s*x life.  By that I do not mean a threesome, as those rarely work well for committed couples, but just the fantasy aspects.

  5. It probably has something to do with feeling rejected, since she rejected you after you made out. Look at your life and see if there's any part of you that's afraid of rejection, or recently experienced rejection, or are afraid that you might experience rejection.

  6. Maybe you need to try something new with your boyfriend.  Did he make you feel wanted then pushed you away one night? You could just have had one of those "very uncomfortable, weird dreams that leave you wondering what the heck does this mean?  

  7. The black woman is you.  You have met or work with someone who you find attractive.  You don't want to make a move because of the un-sure-ness of it.  You feel safe in the relationship you are in however, you want more.  Do you end the current relationship?  Are you a little bored with the current relationship?  And do you go for excitement as well as security in a new relationship

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