
I had an eye examination yesterday and was not able to see right until hours later that night.?

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Do you think I should find a different eye doctor for my next examination? This one kept shining a bright light into my eyes which really irritated them.




  1. Yep, the joys of eye exams.  Bright lights, drops that make the sun seem like it's 5000 times brighter, blurred vision after the drops, headaches from the eye dilation.  Been there, done that.  And stupid me goes every year.  It's the same everywhere.  You had a normal exam.

  2. **Any** eye doctor will need to shine a bright light into your eyes during an exam, to make sure that your retinas are in good shape.  So there's no point in changing eye doctors.

    Better idea:  Next time you have an exam, let the doctor know what happened with your vision taking hours to return to normal.  The doc may be able to change something about the procedure so that the same thing doesn't happen again.

  3. The eye doctor must of dilated your eyes with a solution. This is very normal for an eye exam and it is recommend you stay away from bright light 2-3 hours after your exam.

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