
I had an infection in a cut one my knee, have now finished four days of antibiotics....?

by  |  earlier

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and am still using antiseptic lotion and antibiotic cream twice a day.

Im not sure the infection has cleared up as the wound still looks yellow although the puffiness and hotness has now gone.

is it likely the infection is still there and that a trip down the docs is in order?




  1. Make sure you take ALL the antibiotics--presume 4 days worth was the lot?

    Stop the lotion and cream and apply a dry dressing only and leave it alone for a few days to dry up.

  2. While you are still using the cream and lotion, the wound can't close. Stop and let it dry out and scab, if you have no reaction you are doing fine :0)

  3. Give the antibiotics a week  you usually get a weeks supply  Bathe the wound as well  The yellow is the pus  that has formed  As bacteria are killed no more will form bathe away the residue  then it will heal  

  4. You must go back to your doctor if in any doubt, some anti-biotics respond better than others. Did you have tetanus jab? if you didn't. ask your doctor for a course.

  5. Get the infection check out as I met someone in hospital who started to loose the skin on his leg because of the infection and after three failed skin grafts over 4 years might loose his leg.

  6. If you are still worried then its better to go to the docs and get it looked at again to put your mind at ease. Sounds like the infection is healing but always better to be safer than sorry so go back and get it checked again.

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