
I had an intercourse, but oscillated only twice and didn't *** at all. Will that create any pregnancy?

by  |  earlier

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I stopped at the beginning of the intercourse, because all these concerns were running on my mind and could not concentrate.




  1. if your going to be having s*x then you should always use a condom. you can buy a pack of them at almost any drug store....they don't cost that much i'd say anywhere from $10-$20 and its a whole not sure how many are in the pack though. anyway to answer your question you may have not noticed you *** and plus you could have pre-ejaculation and even that can get a girl pregnant. i pray for you that the person you had s*x w/ isnt pregnant because you sound young but if you really want to know for sure get her a pregnancy test....some u have to wait till a week or two after your miss period but 1st response brand allows you to take a pregnancy test 5 days before your missed period.


  2. If the man ejaculates (cums) inside you at all, then you will probably get pregnant. It doesn't matter what position you used, or if you came, or whether you took a bath afterward, or any of those other supposed methods for preventing pregnancy.

    Even condoms are not 100% effective, but if you're going to have s*x again, definitely use a condom!

  3. it all depends on how fast his swimming sperm eggs are baby,and why r we having s*x?   tha luv dr.k

  4. only you can know ! if unprotected s*x its more than likely . dont be silly wrap his willy .

  5. What exactly do you mean by oscillate?

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