
I had an interview at McDonalds, and they want another interview with me tomorrow- is this good?

by Guest21590  |  earlier

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I had an interview at McDonalds today, and at the end of it- the lady asked me if I'd come back for another interview at 5:30, I've never really had a "real" job (I'm a teenager), so I don't really know what to expect at all, or if it's even a good thing.




  1. Don`t listen to people who say working at mcdonalds is bad. people have started working at mcdonalds as teens and have gone on to work at the headquarters with very high paying income. You have to earn your way up the ladder.

  2. yes, u got passed the first screening to weed out the losers and trash... that means they like u

  3. Mc Donald's will hire you because they have to. All of their employees die quickly from eating their food. They need to keep replenishing their troops!

  4. this is a very good thing, being called back.

    GOOD LUCK!!!!

  5. A call-back is always a good sign.  

  6. A second interview is always a good thing.  Usually your first interview is with a supervisor and the second is with a manager.  Dress your best and do your best and hopefully you'll get the job.  Sometimes it's with the same person, but they go over different things.  Take your ID and SS# just in case you have to fill out paperwork.

  7. I guess so if you really want a job there?

  8. Yes, this is a good sign.  They will probably offer you a job at the end of the second interview.  If they do not, ask when they will be making a decision.

  9. Yea, it is.

  10. Man don't listen to that first dude, he's the dipshit. YES it's good if they call you back for a second, that means the first guy liked you and now they want to give you more info about the job. They will probably hire you at this one. GOOD LUCK. For people who say working at McD's suck, they never had to do it. It was my first job, and you know what? I was  the only kid in my class who could afford his own stuff. I always had nice clothes, always had money to spend, and I was even able to go out and buy my first car. It will make more of a man out of you.  

  11. McDonald's is never a good thing.  

  12. Yes, what you got was a 'call back' interview and its always a good thing.  That shows they are at least interested in you.  Back when I was a teen and worked at McD's 2nd interview usually meant Hired!!

    SOooooooo...Hooray for you and good luck!

  13. Don't mind some of the d**k$ on this page. A call back is a great sign. They probably just want to talk a few things over before offering the job to you. So Well Done! Ok, Macdonalds isn't the best job in the world but it's a start. Once you've been there a while you will have a good reference and some experience and will be able to move on somewhere else.

  14. Yes, that is very good. Just ignore the comments about McDonald's being a bad job. There is nothing wrong with working at McDonald's. Its a job and we all have to start some where. Once you get some experience you will be able to get a better job some where else. Good Luck!!

  15. yes it's a good thing. thy're considering hiring you.

  16. It's Mickey Deez dude!

    A second interview = a job!

    Even if things don't work what?!

    Find a job at a local car dealership.Maybe a mechanic might need help with oil changes.He or she might teach you skills that can pay big bucks down the road when you're older!

  17. When (no matter the company) asked for a second interview it's usually a really good thing.  

  18. Usually.

  19. of course its a good thing if they ask u back. but i hope that this job wont last long cuz dont u want a better job  sometime

  20. It is promising.  Prepare by being punctual, well groomed and positive.  Ignore the naysayers!

    McDonalds is a fine reputable company and a great way to start a career.  Almost everyone I know had a stint in fast food as a teen.  It will allow you to learn a lot and probably sample some tasty freebies.  I never tire of their fine coffee!  I love the cinnabons.  Enjoy!  Good luck and let us know - OK??

  21. first of all Mcdonalds is not good period. If thats the job your applying to then your a dipshit.

    Like Bridget Smith

  22. Of course it is a good sign.  Good luck.  McDonalds is a fine job for a teenager.  Don't let people get you down.

  23. That's a good thing.

    Hope this is a good learning experience for you.

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