
I had an interview on Monday and I felt really confident about the interview and they really liked me?

by Guest32820  |  earlier

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they told me that i was their "top " choice and that they would be in touch through email for a second interview. I left with a real good feeling. its now, Wednedsay and i'm freakin out, I sent them a thank you note yesterday.

Do you think that they should've called me back by now or no? should i just forget it and move on?




  1. definately dont forget it, then you might risk sounding rude if they contact you

    jsut keep it in the back of your mind that you're being considered, and dont panic about it =)

    they probably are just sorting paperwork or something like that

  2. Wait until friday, this happened to me and I waited a week and a half before shoe got back to me, and i got the job. Just be confident and dont worry and if they dont call then it wasnt the job for you. keep your head up and you'll find the right place for you

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