
I had an interview today. I have one question regarding it?

by Guest59562  |  earlier

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During the interview, the interviewer didn't ask me what I wanted for pay after interviewing me for 15 mins. If I get accepted to work for him, how will I know how much th job pays? Does he offer me a pay when he calls me?




  1. Did he tell you there would be a second round of interviews?  If that's the case, he won't tell you until next time.  Did he say that he has to interview more people and that he will keep in touch with you?  If so, you probably didn't get the job.  If he was really interested in hiring you, he probably would have mentioned the pay towards the end of the interview.  Sorry.  Go online and check out tips on being interviewed.  It's difficult at first, but always remember to sell the interviewer on the strongest, most positive points about yourself.  

  2. When they offer you the job they'll tell you the pay. I would of asked them at the interview.  You should decide what the minimum you'll accept is before they offer you the job.  Good luck!  :)

  3. Did you state in your resume what your salary expectations were?

    Did the interviewer give you the opportunity to ask questions, and if so, why didn't you ask what starting pay was for the position for which you were applying?

    Is this position one where you have only one interview, or will there possibly be a second interview?

    If he doesn't volunteer the salary for your position, you'll never know what you're going to earn unless you ask (or unless you just wait to receive your first paycheck....But why would  you accept a job where you don't even know what they're going to pay you?_)

    From what you've written of your experience at this interview, I'd guess that you're in your late teens or early twenties, applying for an entry level position, and that you can expect to earn anywhere from minimum wage to eight or nine bucks an hour.  If this is so, it probably doesn't matter what you want to earn, the business probably pays every entry level employee the same money.  Discussing pay won't help you get an extra nickel.

  4. You should assume the pay is fixed unless told otherwise.

    However, theirs nothing wrong with asking question in an interview, in fact many employers expect you too, it shows confidence and strong personal and conversational skills.

    I'd recommend leaving it until you next speak in person, take advantage of the situation and show him you have those skills.

  5. Typically if an interviewer doesn't mention what the position pays they do one of two things: pay you minimum wage or pay what they feel you are worth.

    I had a job a few years back and was put in the same situation.  It was at a local grocery store and I neglected to ask what I would be paid per hour.    It turned out that I was being paid minimum wage and I found out the day I started (because I asked the manager right before my shift).  With the experience I have, I was appalled and offended but, it was my own fault for not discussing it during my interview.  If I had, there might have been a chance to negociate.

  6. was that not on the job description when you applied for the job, employers do not usually ask prospective employees what they want its about what they are offering in terms of salary.  

  7. In interviews, pay is rarely discussed.  When they call you to tell you that you got the job (Which I know they will!! ), they should tell you how much you will get paid before giving you the chance to answer YES I accept the job or NO I do not accept the job.  If they give you an amount that you're not happy with, do not hesitate to let them know and negotiate a better pay.  But remember, when you are negotiating, you must explain why you deserve more pay, so that is when you start talking about your previous work experience.

    Good luck! Hope you get paid tons of $$$$$$$$$$

  8. Yes, they will tell you then.  You may be able to negotiate it upward if you think it's too low.

  9. yes he does.  well, he should

  10. The employer should let you know how much the job pays before your first day of work.

    Normally, the employer would have told you during the interview.

    Make sure, for your sake, that you find out before the first day of work.

  11. When you calls you to offer you the job, if he doesn't tell you - then ask him - it;s your right to know asap! cause if the job isn't worth the money you mght not want it!

  12. I think you should have asked what the pay was during the interview,how do you know if the pay reasonable for the job.  

  13. probably just a first interview to see you and size you up with general questions

    hopefully you will progress to a second interview where specifics will be discussed

    good luck

  14. Depending on the company and/or the position, the offer may be extendde via a formal offer letter, including salary and benefit info in full. This is to avoid any misunderstanding or miscommunication.

    In this scenario, they will call to ask if you are intereseted and give very basic info (like salary), then follow up with the formal offer letter.

  15. He will obviously have to inform you if he offers you the job.  It will also be stated in your letter appointment presumably.

  16. He probably should have told you in the interview.  But he definitely should tell you if an offer is made.  How can you make a good decision without that info?  Were any of the other benefits discussed?  I do realize that they are trying to get to know you better, but they can't possibly think you are right for the company without you knowing if you are right for the company.  Good Luck!

  17. they offer u a salary.  if ur not happy with it, u can negotiate.  but they will pretty much offer u what the position pays + ur experience.

  18. Yes, he will most likely discuss your pay offer when and if he calls you back.

  19. I wouldn't worry about it, if your interview only lasted 15min, and you did not ask about salary, there is little change of you getting it.

  20. When I got my job they didnt mention too. i found out on my first day of work in the contract.

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