
I had an odd dream about a flood. Any ideas on meaning?

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I am in the garden of my own house. I am sculpting ice into a huge dolphin after doing an art class and i'm enjoying myself throughly - in fact so well that i dont hear about the flood until the waves start coming over the hill. I finish my sculpture and then take out my digital camera and take some photo's of the sculpture.

I run into the house and grab my fave teddy and memory stick from my other camera and i join a group of 2 of my friends waiting outside. We all run down past the house and see there is no street becoz it's all water.

We catch a boat by running and jumping on to it. I almost miss the boat because i want to take a photo of the devastation.

I am safe with friends and they have also "rescued" 2 more of my fave teddies & my mobile.

We breathe.

Some pointers:

1) The house is huge and full of expensive things. I live there in the dream, but i have never lived anywhere like that in waking life.

2) I enjoy art, but my real passion is photography.

3) I have no fear.




  1. This answer is going to shock you, because this is so totally the opposite of how you see yourself.  This dream reveals that you are so completely focused on the temporary, the moment, and warm fuzzy comfort that you are completely out of touch with huge and dangerous realities in the spiritual and material realms that surround you.

    You are in the garden of your own house.  Your own beautiful, self cultivated little world.

    You are creating something beautiful, and you are lost in the moment.  Dolphins represent JOY, and you feel it, but it is only temporary.  An ice sculptured dolphin = temporary joy.

    It is so important to you, you want to take pictures of it, because of course it isn't going to last, and you know that.

    But, this momentary joy is so important to you that you have no clue a devastating flood is coming.

    Here you are in the path of a devastating flood, and you are worried about your teddy bear and your memories (sentimental souvenirs).  There is SO much more at stake here, but you almost miss the boat, collecting trivia and taking pictures.

    It's odd that it did not occur to you there might be something more useful or helpful you could do besides take pictures.  

    Your friends are much like you, but they did get some of the things that matter to you, so they care about you.  It seems they may have been more alert and aware of the pending danger than you were.

    You are focused on spiritual and emotional sensations while the deeper realities of life... both spiritual and physical, have reached a crisis level, and the rising tide of need and suffering and evil have reached the breaking point.  Maybe that is why you cling to your comforting pursuits, to hide from the truth.

    I do not condemn you for appreciating beauty and cultivating serenity, but deep in your inner spirit, I believe you know you are avoiding the TRUE issues of life, God, and even your own condition by playing at spirituality and "creating meaning."

    When the flood breaks, your flimsy constructs will not shelter or rescue you.  They will fail you.

    I pray you do not face a personal flood that will reveal just how flimsy your foundations are.  I hope you will ask your Creator to reveal truth to you and accept the truths He will show you. Surely you want more than ghosts, shadows and temporary joy.  Do the things you cling to truly comfort and support you?  Be honest with yourself, for your OWN sake.  Your survival depends on it.

    I pray God's VERY best for you,


  2. Do you have any interest in the 'lost city of atlantis'? This feels to me like it is connected with that.

  3. Perhaps it's a feeling of overwhelming circumstances invading in your real life, such as your to-do list or an emotional crisis.

  4. Your wanting to have a career in photography.

    You wish to live in an expensive house.

    You don't want to let anything get in the way of your friendship.

    You love your teddies.

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