
I had an odd experience which I think could be paranormal. Please tell your story and any input about my own.

by Guest62900  |  earlier

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I've never really believed in anything paranormal or even put all that much thought into it. Last night though I had a really odd occurrence and kinda need to share it, maybe get some input and even closure. I work nights but at this particular moment it was my night off but at about 4am in the morning. I was watching a movie on my computer and decided to get a drink. I had Diet Pepsi in my garage and decided to get one. My garage is outside so out I went. It was an amazing night and I remember thinking to myself how warm it was. I grab my Pepsi and head back to the house. I'm half way there and I get this chill just below my neck and takes over my entire body. I'm so cold my entire body was trembling. I then hear a very low pitched growl behind me. I'm freaked but I tell myself to keep walking inside. I made it inside and walked right up in my room. I wrapped myself in a blanket and focused on the movie and not what had just happened. In less then 5min all was back to normal.




  1. I would just say you reacted to various stimuli, some you were aware of such as the chill and the growl (possibly real such a an unseen dog, wild animal though perhaps just you manifesting an auditory hallucination in response to a strange experience) and some you perhaps were not aware of at the time.  Sounds like you panicked which is nothing to be embarrassed about, weird c**p like that has happened to me as well though nothing that 'cool'. :)

    Fear of the unknown, even if you don't believe in paranormal occurrences (which I don't) can still 'get you!'.  Gives you a good fright but I wouldn't read anything strange into it.  This sort of occurrence can be explained rationally, I don't see why believers in the paranormal should call science minded people having a rational explanation for an event such as this 'bashers'.  It really is easy to explain.  Science is not the enemy.

    Could make a great scene in a movie though :)  I do love a good creepy movie.

  2. This was either a dream or you were reacting to fear.

  3. It sounds like you experienced a panic brought on by a perceived threat.  You thought something was behind you and you freaked out.  I would too.  This is more likely to happen at night because without light we are less secure in our surroundings.  So the question isn't is this paranormal, the question is what caused the growling?  It could have been a dog or a nocturnal animal who felt threatened by your presence or it could have been something else that *sounded* like a growl.  In that case your reaction of panic was normal.  Unfortunately, as with many people who think they may have experienced something paranormal, you didn't investigate the cause of this sound so you may never know.

  4. Was the movie you were watching creepy or scary, something that might make you more predisposed to be scared?  I recently recounted a very similar story in response to another question, which I have copied and pasted here.

    Once, I came home between one and two in the morning. I hadn't left my porch light on, and the angle of my garage blocks any streetlight from my front yard. I was listening to Coast to Coast which had primed me to be freaked out. As I was walking up to my door I heard a horrible kind of yowling sound. I was freaked, but figured it was a cat in heat or something. Then it came again, but was way different. I said to myself, "no way is that just a cat". Freaking out, but to prove to myself I wasn't a coward, I charged it, yelling "Get out of here." Long story short, it was two cats, that's why they sounded so different.

    2 days ago

  5. so scary definetyl something unexplainable

  6. The temperature change gets me. Did 'goose bumps' accompany it, or was it just cold air? Did the air actually chill down, or goosebumps make it seem colder? I'm a believer, not a basher!

  7. I am an paranormal investigator and when I first started I didn't really have anywhere to go except cemeteries.  That was where I "practiced".  One night I was in a cemetery with another person when the same thing happened to us.    First we felt a chill then heard a very loud growl.  There was just this ominous heavy feeling that is very hard to describe.  We both made a dive for the car and I had left my equipment on the hood of the car earlier.  We sat there looking out the windshield at all the expensive equipment sitting on the hood but we couldn't bring ourselves to get out and get it.    We drove very slowly out of the cemetery  with it still on the hood.   I never went back to that place, the feeling was not something I ever want to experience again.

  8. You could have heard a demonic spirit. Sometimes when demons are near to people the person feels cold. I suggest that you pray asking jesus Christ to explain to you what is happening and you can also pray for God's protection.

  9. Definitely scary, but definitely doesn't measure up to anyting I've experienced. My mom is Native American and her mom was really into praying to the Medicine Men and all that. So, when my mom was little, she was forced to pray to them. They followed her and me around for years. Every apartment or house we lived in they were there. Every night something would happen. The blinds would start moving, we would hear voices, and the scariest thing was when we could actually see the ghost. It's looks like a black cloud and it moves very delicately. It's terrifying. I witnessed all of this from when I was born til' I was about 8. Once my mom married my step-dad everything stopped all of a sudden. It's horrifying. I hope I didn't freak you out too bad. Hahahaha. :)

  10. I'm not really sure why people are saying this is unexplainable.  It's a perfectly common evolutionary 'fight or flight' response to a threat.  Sounds like you have a stray dog or maybe a coyote in your neighborhood.  Your body reacted to the threat.  That's all.

  11. Could have actually been a dog, you just sensed a bad presence coming from it, and didn't get to see it because you didn't look back. =X

    My aunt is living with a room mate and its his house. Turns out its haunted....I didn't believe it,  but yeah we actually got the ghost/spirits (whatever you want to call them) on tape.  The guy is a really big pack rat and keeps all the stuff he has accumulated for the past 50 years in this one room. He believes  that the ghost are attached to some of the stuff thats in there (lots of antiques). You always get a chill when you go back there. I personally stay away because I don't like it, but if it helps i've never heard them growl. Or make any other types of noises.

    Maybe it was a dog ghost or something?

  12. Next time the aliens will abduct you.If you were any slower they would have last night.

  13. That's unexplainable to me. I think you did the right thing. I'm sure you had to go back into the garage if that's where your car is. If it's not..I wonder if you'll go in there by yourself again. I guess if there really was a dog in there you would know it by now. Were you at all scared when you went in there?Had you been watching a scary movie?  Sometimes real dogs can give me a chill kinda like that if I don't know them...esp. if they seem mean. Dogs must put off some strong vibes sometimes.

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