
I had another dream about her??

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i really like this girl and i really want to be with her but this dream is just weird...she hated me for awhile because i stood her up once (wasnt on purpose though) but then she started being nice to me again....this is my dream: i see my cellphone screen and i text her saying hey i cant today but we can hang out in a couple of days and then 5 min later shes at my front door and im like wtf but wtvr i introduce her to my family as my gf but we arnt and then we have a super fun time and then as quick as she was here she left and i wake up??wat does it mean???




  1. maybe you are ethier not ready to date or you rly dont like the girl as muh as you thought you did

  2. well then u realllllyyyy like her but u just dont kno how to say it to her or make up how u stud her up.....

  3. Sounds to me that theres something that she does that are making you feel unsatisfied.. like unloyal...especially how you said ''WTF! but wtvr'' sounds like ur also trying to ignore the signs?

    Is she that pretty?  You seem very smart guy ask urself will you be happy if you were with this girl..lies and makes u dishonest and sounds like stalker (lol) she doesn't seem to listen to you at all..she does what she wants..thats what ur dream is telling..goodluck

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