
I had find out my husband have a mistress and they have a son.i dont know what to do ? ?

by  |  earlier

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he constantly call her mostly everyday and seeing like almost about two years that i find out because she wrote a letter to him that he and the son want to see him




  1. After 2yrs, i think you should start thinking about yourself. Don't let him have the best of both worlds, he is making a mockery of you. Be strong and just throw him out of your house... dont you leave, you have done nothing wrong. He obviously has somewhere to go! Although this will be hard and upsetting for you (otherwise you would have done it ages ago), just get rid of him. No self respecting woman would stay with a cheat/rat like him. Believe in yourself, and in time the hurt will heal and you will wonder why you didn't do it earlier. Good luck.

  2. leave the son of a *****....seems like he wants to be with that other bia

  3. I would kick his *** to the curb, he made a fool out of you, lied and betrayed you. You owe him nothing.  

  4. Run.... he loves her not you....

  5. Talk to him. Go into counseling and try to work things out. Do you have children with him? If you don't then it won't be as complicated if you want to leave. If you do have children then you really should give him a chance to change if he wants to.

  6. You need to speak with him. Thats all you can do, dont make rash decisions

  7. divorce. he's not worth it.

  8. that's a serious situation to be in. talk to him about it and see what he says and try to work things out. if the situation really doesn't suit u, then i'd suggest you leave him or talk about having a divorce if you think tht's the best thing. good luck!!!!!!!!!!

  9. might be an ex-wife. talk to him.

    or call jerry springer.

  10. Leave him  

  11. Take it from me LEAVE HIM!!!!!!He is up to no gud.Its obvious he loves her and not you.TO THE LEFT TO THE LEFT.

  12. Leave him he's a dirt bag.

  13. i would divorce him, tell him to move in with her if he loves her so much!

  14. talk to him

  15. You just asked this before.  Get a clue and review the answers to your other question.

    Husband with another family outside! what should i do?

    well i figure this out about 2 years ago that my husband has another family outside and when i look through his cell phone he constantly called the number of the mistress i know because of "extreme" research. what should i do now and i have two kids. but they agree with getting a divorce should i do it? what should i do now?

    2 hours ago - 3 days left to answer.

    Additional Details

    2 hours ago

    i got married the him first.... and the lady is the mistress and she probably knows and she still wants to be with my HUSBAND! and she has a son....... i hope i made this more clear

  16. Obviously, you need to leave him.  There is nothing left to salvage.

  17. why is it taking you so long? Confront him; it doesn't matter if it's a mistress or ex-wife or what; you deserve to know. And then kick his sorry *** to the curb. That level of going behind my back would not be tolerated. Seriously, you can't say you trust him, so what's the point?

  18. Talk to him about it. If it cant be resolved say goodbye he not worth it x

  19. he may just want to be in his son's life. .. there's nothing wrong with that.. don't assume, just be aware..

  20. do you have any kids with him? if not, I'd suggest getting out of there asap.

  21. Are you crazy??? Leave him!  Take everything!!! Don't be a doormat!!

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