
I had hcg injection on monday to help my eggs release?

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when is the earliest that i can test seeing i had a Hcg injection on monday? i have had 2 positives 1 yesterday and 1 today are they false positives? please someone help me




  1. yes, they are false positives.  the hcg injection will actually give you a posative on a preg test.  i waited about 2 1/2 wks to test after my hcg shot. some women test after an hcg inj until they get a neg, then you will know it is out of your system.  did you do ivf, iu, or something like that?

  2. Tina's right -- you've got to be wary of false positives after the hCG trigger, which can stay in your system for quite a while. What would be simplest is to do a test every day and take photos so you can see a slow decline in test quality. In other words, if you test when you know it's a false positive and then keep going until it gets fainter and fainter, you'll be able to see if the levels start rising and it gets darker over time. Sounds a little complicated, but it's better than not knowing. Anyway, implantation won't happen, if it does, until next week. So there's a while yet until you get a real positive. Dollar Tree tests are excellent and only $1 each (sensitive to 25mIU/hCG)

  3. It's difficult to answer with little info.

    I do know that if you have used meds to become pregnant it's best to wait 2 weeks + 4 days before you test.  This is to prevent the false positives caused by the meds used during treatment.

    After this time you should be OK to test without the test being influenced by the Hcg.

    Good Luck and  :¦:-·:*'""*:·.-:¦:-·*BaBy DuSt*·-:¦:-·:*'''''*:·-:¦:- xx

  4. You want to test when you have missed your period or 2 weeks after the hcg injection at the earliest.  Anything earlier could very well be a false positive as the home pregnancy test measures for hcg and that was exactly what was in the trigger shot.

    Good luck and baby dust!

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