
I had his best friend over?

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I hang out with my boyfriennd's best friend alot. We can't tell my boyfriend because he's the jealous kind and want all of my time pretty much to himself. Well i was bored today and didn't have anything to do so I called his friend up to come hangout with me. I feel so close to him that I even let him lay in the same bed with me. Well my boyfriend got off of work early today and caught both of us sleeping in the same bed and got really angry about it. He now thinks that i'm cheating on him which i'm not. Am I wrong for having a close friendship with his best friend?




  1. well,i think you knew better than that,and you where really aware of what you were doing might look wrong to your not wrong to have a close friend,but knowing your boyfriend,is wrong that you do that kind of miss understandable stuff with a close friend of his...

  2. Your BF needs to relax a little, realize you have your own life which is separate from his and cut you some slack on the leash.

    You need to be careful about situations and behaving in ways which could be misconstrued as something more than they are. Finding two guys in bed, even with their clothes on, suggests certain unsavory things.

    If you two are having problems trying to find a happy medium between insane jealously and seemingly innocent midday tete-a-tetes, perhaps you need to see a couples counselor who may be able to work on your trust and boundaries issues.

    Good luck.

  3. It does not matter if we think you did wrong or not. Your boy friend clearly thinks you wronged him. You brought another person in your bedroom, that should never happen. I think you should talk to him about his insecurities and your commitment. He is obviously very jealous of the relationship you have with his best friend.  

  4. your not wrong for the friendship but you are wrong for laying in bed with him and going to sleep,put the shoe on the other foot how would that make you feel?

  5. well first of all your problem is like your making yourself leniant to his problems...jealousy is a problem and by trying to change your ways is making him think oh this is ok for me to act this what you need to do is tell him straight up like ...i'm not cheating on you your best friend is a good friend of mine too...and if you cn't accept this fact then our relationship is may be a little tough but it could put him in his position....he might get mad or w/e say things..but then you can jump in and talk out his jealousy problem...hope it works!!

  6. explain this to your boyfriend once he's calmed down. Is there a reason why he is jealous? Maybe he has insecurities for good reason ie: cheated on in the past, cheating parents etc.

    It is really difficult with a jealous partner, i used to be one lol.

    The sad fact is, if he's jealousy doesn't go away, you probably will because it is very hard to be with someone insecure.

    Try and chat, come to a compromise and i hope you get the results you're all looking for :)

  7. If you KNEW in advance that it would pizz off your boyfriend ; then you had NO business sneaking around like that ....

    What were you wearing when he discovered you two "Asleep" and were you cuddled up together  ?

    Next time just watch a movie by yourself and don't put your relationship in jeopardy IF you REALLY Love your boyfriend ...

  8. No you have the right to any friend you want, this is your B/F problem not yours.  He's gonna have to get over it.  Sometimes jealousy is a sign of mistrust and sometimes that mistrust is an indication of guilt.

  9. Yes you were wrong to sneak around like that, and some of us have been around long enough not to fall for your "oh so innocent" act.  Fooling around with your BF's "best friend" is low class.   Get your own best friend and do what you want with him.  Lock the door the next time you are in bed with someone and don't want unexpected company.

    ADDI TONAL:  Listen Mary, you are the one with the problem, and who asked the question.  This old queen calls them as he seems them.  YOU are the one that distinguished between your bf best friend, so I'd still say you are completely out of line.  Lock the door.

  10. nope but you were wrong not to tell him in the first place.  

  11. First of all let me just say that it amazes me how when a g*y male say that he have another male friend that people assume that you are having s*x with them. I have a male friend that i'm really close with and we would never have s*x with eachother.

    now.... no you are not wrong for having a friendship with him but you should let your bf know about this friendship going on between you two.  

  12. you hiding that you were hanging out with your bf's  best friend make you    

    look guilty already.You are not wrong for having a  close friendship with his best friend neither is he  for being upset at you.YOu should have told

    him from moment A you were hanging out with his friend that's it

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