
I had i a dream i died?

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Ok I was walking across a road and got almost all the way across and I seen a bus coming so i tried to run but no matter how much i tried run i wasnt going anywhere even though my legs were moving and of course i got hit by it and i woke up what could this mean




  1. Are you starting to think that summer is too short and you'll soon be back in school?  If so, this is what your dream means:

    The road you are crossing is SUMMER and you are almost all the way across.  But before summer is even over, here comes the school bus and SPLAT!  Fun is over, and you're back in school.

  2. I've had many dreams of Dying and Dreams Of killing people. It doesn't mean anything Superstitious. Just means that's what you happened to be thinking about while you were sleeping.

  3. If you had really "died " in the dream, you would not have woke up.

  4. I think dreams can be in the form of metaphors or a bigger meaning. I do not think you are destined to die at all though, so get that though out of your head. Maybe it is something you saw on t.v, the news, read in a book, or maybe it is a metaphor for something larger in your life.

  5. im not sure if this is true but alot of my friends and and my teacher agreed too, that it means, you either want it to happen or it has happened.

    it was probably a nightmare, its nothing bad you should worry about, really.

  6. Generally dreaming of a death is a good omen, such as an up coming wedding, a new life will be delivered etc.

    Also a old wives tale is if you dream your own death and you see yourself dying and dead it means that you really did actually die in your sleep (like you stopped breathing for a short time or something like that) . I don't know how true that is but i never dream my own death i usually wake up just before lol.

  7. Those dreams are scary.

    Sorry I can't tell you what they mean.

    But i think what you have to watch out for are the dreams when you die. And you dont wake up as soon as you die. so like... you go towards the light or something.

    haha. =]

  8. Dreams enter the solar winds and crossing the road meant you were there to ask a personal question of the spiritual realm, you had a dream of dieing because you were still in your flesh and very much alive but you woke with a renewed awareness of the boundaries between life.

  9. lol! that sucks you had that dream, its prolly a nightmare. :[

  10. oh dont worry! it was just a bad dream.We all get them sometimes

  11. when you dream that you are going to die, if there was blood and you can see it, that means that someone close to you will die, but when you dream just death that means that a change is coming in your life, and it will be like a new beginning for you.

  12. wen u try to run in dreams ,u died means a good sign means u will live for long..walking through road means ur life upto now ewas perfect but couldnt run n got hit means u will b hurted,defeated...but will soon overcome wid something new

  13. It sounds like a stress related dream.

  14. Um.. your about to die??

  15. "Dreaming that you have died can represent an end of one phase of your life before you enter the next phase, or some aspect of your life situation coming to an end."

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