
I had inflammation after Lasik and I stil cant see.?

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I had Lasik about 4 weeks ago and my eye became inflammed. I went in again and they reopened my eye to clean it out. Its been another two weeks and I still cant see clearly out of my eye. Has anyone else had this problem? Should I be worried?




  1. It happens in a very low percentage of cases, but it does happen.

    If they are happy there is now no infection or cell infiltration

    (and if that's not definitely settled that needs to be, without delay) then you are probably facing a three-month wait for the eye to stabilise, so a final refraction and acuity can be assessed.

    Not until then will any top-up or remedial procedures normally be considered, because the eye really needs to have finished all the healing/changing that it's going to do.

    It will depend on the practice but I might consider a quick check every month a wise precaution, to observe how much change is occuring.

    This possibilty should have been explained during your briefing, before you signed consent forms.

  2. I had lasik about a year and half ago. My right eye took longer to heal because more work had to be done to it. But I didnt have the problem you are. I would go right back and have them look at it right away

  3. I'd get back to the doctor immediately, if I were you.

  4. I don't think there anything to worry about. There is always dryness and some inflamation. Also, it takes at least 6 months to a year to get good 20/20 vision after getting lasik. Don't expect to have clear vision instantly. Still, consult your surgeon...

  5. get back to the dr or perhaps go to another dr

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