
I had my 2nd ultrasound yesterday at 8 weeks and was worried as i had one at six weeks and no heartbeat and ?

by  |  earlier

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also i had a blood streak the other day so i thought i was miscarrying as i had one in may, but no everything is great bubs is growing just as it should and has a nice strong heartbeat




  1. That's great news!

    I had one early on, at 5 weeks, and went in for another at 8 weeks because they couldn't see a baby.  It was awesome to see that my baby is doing well.  I think I go back for another one around 14 weeks and I'm so excited!

  2. I'm hoping for the best.  Try to stay positive.  I'm sure everything will work out just fine.

  3. That's great. I wish you all the luck in the world. I had a miscarriage last year and I feel bad for everyone who has been through them. Good luck with your new little one.

  4. Congrats good luck and God bless you and your little one.  

  5. That's not uncommon - around 7 weeks is usually the earliest that a heartbeat can be reliably picked up - it's great that your second US was ok.

    Congratulations! Isn't is one of the most moving experiences, seeing that little throbbing heart?

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