I was in a yahoo group under a different yahoo account. Anyway, my home address was put on the site. The moderator told me not to bother yahoo as they wouldn't be interested. Now i want to make a compalint to yahoo as the BNP member has stepped up the harrassment. Also the moderator put ME on moderation, i found out 4 weeks later. I closed the yahoo account in disgust and told the moderator that i didn't think it was right. However the harrassment has stepped up since and the BNP member has now send a malicous message to someone else in the group who i know. Don't know if they want to complain. Since i told the moderator, what i thought of MY moderation, a person, who they are a friend of, doesn't reply to my messages. It 'appears' they have been talking. I would like to make a complaint to yahoo but don't know how to contact them as i can't find a link for things like this. i was given a link to the yahoo answers team but there wasn't a reply from them over this