
I had my baby on the 15 of august and am still having cramping is this normal?

by Guest34472  |  earlier

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I have pretty bad cramping that i have to take advil for it is this normal and is this my uterus just going back to normal?




  1. Yes, it's more painful with your second baby though!

  2. yes, your lingaments are going back to normal. It takes time. For me it took close to two months before I felt all the way normal again. I had a vaginal birth, not sure if it's the same feeling for those who had C-section.

  3. Yes its normal, especially if you're breastfeeding. When you breastfeed, the nipple stimulation causes your uterus to contract helping it shrink back down and stop bleeding faster. If you're not breastfeeding, its still normal to have some cramping, but your bleeding should be slowing down more and more each day and the cramping should not be extreme.  


  5. Are you still bleeding heavily?  You normally still feel the cramping for a while but as long as the blood loss isn't to heavy it should be fine! Also if you are breastfeeding the tummy ache seems much worse!

  6. Yes you are right. Your body is trying to get back to it's normal state and it does hurt. I am breastfeeding and it felt like very painful menstrual cramps. But it didn't last long b/c breastfeeding makes the uterus go back to it's normal size quicker. My doctor told me that Motrin was good to use

  7. It is normal.  I had my baby july 8 and I still have a little bit of cramping even now.

  8. Its completely normal, its your body's way of telling  you that its healing id be more worried if you had no cramps  

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