
I had my daughter almost a month ago and at 4 am i felt blood i stood up and it was everywhere,is this normal?

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After my daughter was 4 days old we moved 9 hrs away. i have not yet been able to get a checkup bcuz i couldn't get my medical records released. I've been feeling pain inside me for about a week. and at 4 this morning i was feeding my daughter and had just got her back to bed, i layed down with her and felt blood (which was abnormal for me bcuz it seemed like my after "birth period" was ready to end) i looked at the sheets and there was blood, i stood up and blood gushed everywhere! it ran down my legs and got all over the ground (it looked like a murder seen) I yelled for my sister who im living with. she handed me a shirt from when i was pregnant which is a guys large shirt. I put it between my legs and by time i got to the bathroom it was drenched in blood, i had a blood clot about the size of a fist fall out and didn't stop bleeding heavy for about 10 mins. we called an emergency and they said just make an appointment and that it sounds normal. But i feel lightheaded and different. i need to know why this happened




  1. Go to the hospital. Do not wait. Go now. You could be beginning to hemorrage, go to ER now.

  2. This does NOT sound normal. If you were healing up, and now you've got this sudden gush, it's not normal. Also, I was told by my doctor that if I had any clots the size of my fist or larger, that I needed medical attention immediately. If I were you, I would stop in at the emergency room now.

  3. Any clot larger than a walnut you need to go the ER. Do not call first, just GO, please! SOmetimes the person that answers the ER phone does not know very much and may not even be an LVN. I know because used to work in the ER.

  4. well for me the blood was on a steady decline.. but the docs told me not to worry as long as the blood clots (which i didnt have)  were smaller than, i think a golf ball.  you need to do something to be seen asap.  its probably ok, but needs to be checked out,  because if it is something serious, time is of the essence..  good luck to you

  5. Well i am a heavy bleeder, on my monthly and after baby. I also get very clotty.  You should call your old OB/GYN and talk to her about this over the phone or her nurse. Blood clots should not be bigger than golf ball sized.  I also know that your flow increases dramatically upon standing after sitting for awhile.  There was many times that this happened to me, like you describe but without the huge blood clot. After I had my second, I bled so heavily I had to change my pads several times during the night after getting up with my baby.  It felt like i was loosing pints of blood. lol.  I talked to my midwife about my flow on my second child because it was stopping, starting, stopping-  heavy and then barely there.  I was confused.  This went on for the first oh about month and 1/2, and then i got my period.  She did an exam and then i had blood drawn for hemoglobin and HCG hormone (tells if you are preg) to make sure i didn't have a piece of placenta left in my utererus.  All turned out well, all labs normal.  Drink lots of water, keep taking your prenatals, eat food high in iron and talk to your dr.  Good luck with your new one, congrats!

  6. i dont know whu that happened  but i def. dont think it is normal....

    if you are bleeding so much you are getting lightheaded you NEED to go to the emergency room or hospital or doctor..... something.

    goodluck... hope you get better

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