
I had my first paranormal experience last night

by  |  earlier

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Last night after everyone went to sleep in their rooms which is on the other side of my room. No way they could here me. I was sitting on my bed on my laptop and I was getting a little frustrated. I kept getting an error when trying to change the layout of my blog. Anyways, during that time I heard someone whisper my name into my ear. I tried to speak, but my whole body was frozen. I couldn't speak or move and my body was freezing like the Atlantic Ocean during the Titanic. It lasted for like 50 seconds. Was this paranormal?




  1. nope , if you were wide awake then you have schizophrenic tendencies , you need to see a doctor , seriously , nothing to trifle with

  2. Has anyone you know died recently? Some one or some thing is trying to contact you. It believes you can somehow help it. It's time to whip out a voice recorder and get to the bottom of this! Let it run around the same time the spirit contacted you. Ask aloud what it wants and tell it to speak to the recorder. Leave your room for a couple hours then play back the recording. Listen carefully for any voice that might arise.  

  3. Absolutely not.

  4. Sleep paralysis. Late at night you probably dozed off and didn't even realize it, the reason you could not move was because the chemicals in your brain are designed to paralyze the body so you don't hurt yourself in dreams a lot of times for the people who have there eyes open, they enter a live dream world and can actually feel things such as freezing but after a while wake up in the original position that they had fallen asleep.

  5. Your body was frozen like the Atlantic Ocean during the Titanic? That's pretty frozen!

  6. People who hear voices when nobody is there to speak are in need of medical attention.

  7. what was yoiu smokin give me some

  8. The spirit/ghost, could have been using your energy to communicate with you. Or, you could have been cold from the ghost taking the energy from the atmosphere around you. And you could have been in shock. Especially if that was your first experience and so unexpected.

  9. i agree with comic toker get out the voice recorders and ask questions to the spirit like whats you name why do you want to talk to me give me a sign of your presitence stuffl ike that

  10. I agree with Cia.

    Sleep paralysis, I used to get this.. very scary.

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