
I had my last period on aug 7th and i ovulated on the 21st and bd on several days before and after ovulation ?

by  |  earlier

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now i am cramping (dull cramps) on and off for the past couple days, i know is it too early to test but i was wondering if anyone had the same thing, i was pregnant before but had a miscarrige in june and am trying again. good luck everyone




  1. i ovulated somewhere between the 20th and 22nd, and bd'ed everyday that week, and i am having a cramping feeling from time to time too for the last few days.  maybe were pregnant!!!!  wouldn't that be awesome!!! take a test 12-14 days after ovulation to see if your get your BFP and if not just wait till you miss your next period if you know what thats suppose to come.  Good luck, and lots of sticky baby dust!

  2. i've been here a million times and i always end up with AF but it may be different for you dear. you just might be pregnant. just relax and try to wait and hopefully you will miss your period. baby dust to you though.

  3. Yes, I had my last period on the 2nd Aug and think I ovulated on the 14th/15th/16th not too sure - my partner and I had s*x on the 14th and over the last week i've been cramping slightly. But keep getting more of an ache in the pelvic region when doing anything strenuous (ie. bending over, lifting things, standing up from sitting).  Also I have sore nipples to the touch. So fingers crossed we will both get what we want.

    Then again mine could just be a sign i'm about to start my period!!

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