
I had my period while taking birth control pills?

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I started taking birth control pills since August 1st, when I'm on the 12th pill i got my period, at the first time I didn't know it was my period coz it was just a slight bleeding so I kept taking the pills. About on the begining of the third week the bleeding amount has gone bigger and I have a stomach pain everyday. Now I still have the period (I didn't stop the pills, now I'm on the second pack), I really want my period to go away, should I stop taking the pills or keep on them? If I stop taking pills will my period last for another 7 days?




  1. stop taking pills go to the doctor baby! as soon as you can !!!!

  2. Well sweety is sounds like your on the wrong pill per estrogen that is for your body type your enzymes is eating up the pill that suppose to get to your uterus now the pill becomes a toxin into your system see your gynecologist. Taking the pill  will stop you from getting pregnant but will not stop your menstrual.  You need to get a toxicology rec from your gynecology just to make sure your system is not poison.  Based on the pain in your stomach. Per your request.

  3. If you are having lots of menstrual issues, get a book from the library called "The Yeast Connection" by William G. Crook.  I say get rid of the pill.  I was on them to regulate periods and it did nothing but make things worse.  Also find a doctor that does natural health.  Research candida.  You will probably alleviate a lot of your problems with this.

  4. i am on birth control and i often have very light periods whilst taking my pills. i told my doctor and she said there is nothing to woory about

  5. your body might simply need to adjust to the pills don't stop taking them

  6. Birth control pills don't stop your period they sometimes ease it.You have just started taking them so it may take a month or two for your body to adjust.There are contraception's that stop your period,but through experience you don't want to try these.After awhile your body decides it wants to have a period & it is the most painful experience & they are all over the place with spotting in between.In the end I came to the conclusion that having a period is a natural part of our body & as much as we hate them don't stuff around with nature.

  7. birth control doesn't stop your peroid completely it just let you have less periods a year like you'll probly have 4 periods a year

  8. Birth Control pills don't stop periods....

  9. I'm not too sure where the other person got their info from but birth controll pills do not stop periods. It take a bit of time for your body to regulate when your on the pill but if your really worried you should go see your doctor

  10. just call your doctor and ask her/him

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