
I had my radial artery and flexor carpi radialis tendon repaired one year ago...

by  |  earlier

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after I'd severed them on a broken window, and, occasionally, there is some pain, not too much, just enough to be uncomfortable, that lasts for a moment or so and goes away. Is this normal? And, definitely, when I bump my wrist it hurts.

It's been a year, will there be a time when this won't happen?




  1. Yes but right now the level of sensitivity is too high.  With time the body will start to ignore this irritation that it is picking up.  The body is still remodeling so don't be in too much of a rush.  If you are concerned talk to the surgeon about this or I am sure you had a therapist who worked on this.  Talk to them about this.  Try rubbing different cloth textures across the area as this will help to desensitize the area.  You can also do tapping on the area and that is another technique to turn off the high level of sensitivity.

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