
I had my wisdom teeth removed 2 weeks ago and I'm swollen and sore this normal?

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I had my bottom two wisdom teeth removed, and the doctors told me I might swell back up after a few weeks, but it's only swollen on one side and it's really sore. I'm just afraid it might be an infection. Is this normal, or could it possibly be an infection?




  1. dear dont worry.. the problem is already out of ur mouth.. i mean that wisdom tooth..

    now simple rinse properly with chlorhexinde mouth wash, use soft tooth brush, take medicine on time as prescribed by the dentist., and go for check up if any discomfort..

    just relax.. dont panic.. its normal...


    dr sumit

  2. Its different for everyone... you should call your dentist and check.

  3. Could be a bone chip in gum .Go back to dentist because this can cause an absess.  It will take him 5 min's to check and if it is a bone chip they come out with tweesers , no pain

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