
I had my wisdom teeth taken out like 5 days ago and now one of "holes" is leeking gross sour stuff

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does this mean it is infected? i know this is gross but I'm getting a little worried. I'm taking my penicillin and swishing salt water in my mouth but is there anything else i can do for this?




  1. Some amount of leakage is normal as your mouth heals.  But it should stop pretty quickly.  If you're already taking penicillin then there is little else you can do for an infection other than what you are already doing by washing your mouth out with salt water.  If it doesn't start to get better soon or if you just don't feel right about it call your dentist and let him or her explain.

  2. You should go ahead and call the dentist office. It sounds like the blood clot (like a scab) has fallen out and become a dry socket. It's REALLY painful and tastes nasty. The dentist can put a material in the hole to relieve the pain and infection. Until you can get into the dentist office, it sounds like you're doing everything right. Just don't smoke cigarettes or drink through straws. Sucking actions are a big cause of this happening.

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