
I had new lenses fitted in my eyes, my sight is still poor.can i still have laser treatment?

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I had new lenses fitted in my eyes, my sight is still poor.can i still have laser treatment?




  1. If your vision is still poor without glasses, can it be corrected with glasses? Sometimes there are medical reasons why your vision is poor and can not be corrected to 20/20. If glasses will help your vision, Lasik may help, but there are so many factors to be considered that even a Lasik specialist can't answer your questions without examining your eyes. Do you have dry eyes? How thick is your cornea? What is you pupil size? What kind of refraction do you need? There are many more things that go into deciding if the benefits of Lasik outweigh the risks. We can't advise you on this over the internet, go talk to your doctor, they will be able to help you.

  2. This is a serious question that needs serious medical advice.  Yahoo Answers is a place to get opinions from random, anonymous people who often have no clue what they are talking about.

    Please consult a qualified eye doctor!

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