
I had one sided headaches i went to the doctor and asked if i had any symptoms of a brain tumor?

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he felt around my head and asked if it hurt in the places he felt/squeezed....and he looked behind my eyes with a light...he said i defo didnt have a brain tumor...? how can he be so sure????? thanks if anyone answers this




  1. What your doctor knows is that he could see nothing malfunctioning with your eyes or pupils, which tells him that your optic nerve and at least 1 of your cranial nerves are fine.  There are 12 cranial nerves and chances are, if you have a tumor somewhere, you might have symptoms that will show up when you try to accomplish something using a specific nerve.  He evaluated the functioning of all 12 of those nerves pretty quickly, just by watching you.

    A one-sided headache gave him more hints to where a problem could be, if there is something physical causing the headache.  

    Thing is, headaches are caused by hundreds of things.  You drank too much caffeine today.  You didn't drink enough caffeine today.  You're under more stress than normal.  Your hormones are fluctuating more than normal.  There was too much noise in your environment.  You have a pulled muscle in your neck or shoulders that is causing pain in your head or scalp.  Or maybe you just had a migraine.  

    If you had presented symptoms that screamed "tumor," he would have already set you up for further evaluations with a specialist.  Since he didn't, then you can be confident that he detected nothing especially troubling.

  2. he would probably be able to feel a mass on the outside of your head

  3. He's the doctor. You're the hypochondraic. Trust him - did you go through seven years of medical school?

  4. If you are still in doubt meet another docter.

    this time u go for well equipped hospital..

    so that u dont have any doubts..

  5. One side headaches are common with migraines. We don't know if that was addressed by the doctor. When he looked inside your eyes (funduscopic exam) he was looking for signs of papilledema which could go along with a tumor. Feeling the scalp does not tell anyone if there is a tumor inside the skull. The fact is, when we need to rule out a brain tumor we need to do a Brain CT scan or an MRI.

  6. Relax, he's a doctor, doctors know.

    Might just be a migraine anyway.

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