
I had one very, VERY messed up dream? ?

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Last night, I had the strangest dream. Do you think this means anything really?

I was walking on the road and I saw my teacher looking at a tree. I was surprised to see him so I was like 'Hi Mr D!" and then I noticed what he was looking at - a pad that was soaked in blood. Now, I'm talking about a pad somebody used was stuck on a tree and he was staring at it. All of sudden, he walked up to it and was examining it. Then it peel it off the tree and was holding somebody's BLOODY PAD! I was like 'Oh my god' for the entire dream. Then he started to talk about periods but I was like 'holy sh*t' and then somewhere during the dream he asked me if I had my period. I turned around and started to run to my school as fast as I can because I was scared what this man was doing because it was so messed up!

Yeah, I know, it's sounds crazy. But I actually had experiences in the past where he was looking inside the girl's bathroom and laughing when he heard people talking about 'girl stuff'. Is my dream portraying my teacher to be a sick man?




  1. He sounds pretty creepy for being in girl's bathrooms. You probably just thought he was creepy and your dream took a spin on it.

  2. it might...but it also could have to do with maybe an insecurity you have with men knowing about periods or even that you are afraid that he may be interested in knowing about yours?

  3. 0.0 that was messes up well probell try to forget the dream and try to stay away from the teacher...also did you eat somthing strange befire bed? If so that might have caused it or you brian is telling you that you teacher is odd.

  4. wow, weird old is he?

  5. Be prepared to work hard against hostile forces....

  6. Your teacher is a complete pervert. Next time you see him doing this start yelling "Mr. D. is peeking into the girls room, pervert, pervert, help, help!)

    In reference to your dream; Mr. D. is asking inappropriate questions to a young female for self gratification. If your teacher drives a black van and has a cotton candy business don't buy from him, call the cops.

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