
I had planted a Nerium oleander cutting but no new leaves have grown???

by Guest45500  |  earlier

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I had planted a Nerium oleander cutting but no new leaves have grown???

i had taken a Nerium oleander branch grown from the side of a well grown tree of the same.It has been a month since and there has been no new growth of leaves or branches.The branch which i had planted is still green but now the leaves are beginning to fade in color and they hav also started browning.The cutting is planted in my garden and its the rainy season going on. Please help..............

18 hours ago




  1. Remove the cutting and check if it has roots. If it doesn't then That scion is useless now anyways, throw it away. If it does then plant it in a slightly dry area.

    Or you can take a new branch, when the rains are light and put it in water till it forms little roots. Then plant it in a pot for a while till it holds on to the soil. That will be for around 2-4 weeks, then you can plant it in good place where it will receive plenty sunshine. You can water the plant once a week. Don't water it too much. Have fun !


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