
I had psychosis several times. Do you know any alternative healing method to the psychatry, which helps ?

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. I moved from Germany to Slovenia.I was raped, my boyfriend died, my parents got divorced, I had to study a lot. I was 5 times in mental hospital.I never had hallutianation. Now I get a injection every month, called Fluanxol. I would like to know about natural healing. Do you have any experiance with selfhealing?




  1. If you can get; Ginko Baloba, Coenzime-Q- 10, Nordic Naturals Fish Oil and drink good processed water and a good Multi vitamin. this will help.

  2. It sounds like you've had a very traumatic life.  You mentioned in your question that psychiatry and your current treatment seems to help.  

    There are no PROVEN alternatives to dealing with psychotic illnesses, though there are lots of extravagant claims about various dietary supplements.   It is intriguing, as we don't really know what causes the various types of may turn out there is a lack of some essential amino acid or vitamin....but as yet, there is no good evidence in support of that idea.

    EDIT...please ignore the recommendation for "distant reiki healing"   that is complete nonsense...

  3. you may consider hydrotherapy, such as gradual cold showers and/or hot showers. There is some theoretical argumentation behind this approach, but no clinical trials yet.

    But ask your doctor about any alternative therapies that you may be considering to avoid any harmful interactions. For example, hot showers and antipsychotic drugs would be a dangerous combination.

  4. no.

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