
I had root canal treatment about 3 weeks ago, How painful is next step?. Talking about the crown.?

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My treatment don t hurts that all, but i have my app. to the dentist today for start working on the crown. I don t know what to expect, hurts??. Thanks




  1. I have had a root canal done before, and the crown put on the same day. It is not bad at all, its just a little bit of pressure, and pain free.

    Good luck

  2. I have had 1 root canal.  The next step should be a breeze. Don't worry.

  3. Well let me tell you i have had about 3 root canals done. I thought that the crown part is by far the easiest. When i got mine it did not take long at all. The only thing i felt was a little bite of pressure were they put it on that was it. Don't worry you will do fine.

  4. preparing a tooth to receive a crown is a painless prcedure as the tooth is now non vital .only if the  procedure includes  manupulation of gum ie gingival retraction this may sometimes require some local infiltration (injection)  any way it shall not hurt

  5. I recently had oral surgery (crown lengthening, but no root canal) followed by a crown.  The worst part of the crown for me was the shots of novocaine and the hours of numbness that followed.  The procedure itself was no big deal.  While you're numb, they take an impression and then put your temporary crown back on until the custom one is made.  Then you go back, get numbed again and they put the permanent crown on.

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