
I had scheduled interview 4 hours away,I got there and they took my resume and said we call for 2nd interview?

by  |  earlier

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How mad should I be?




  1. Hind sight is bad, but if it ever happens again, stop them before they walk away.

    Inform them that you just drove 4 hours for a scheduled interview and you expect them to respect your time and your effort. If I were the person that had to look you in the eye, I'd postpone what ever I thought was more important than turning you around with a throw off remark  like'"we'll call you."

    As far as this company is concerned, don't waste your time on getting angry.

    In the future, maybe call the day before to confirm that you are still on for an interview the following day. At a minimum it shows the interviewer that you are conscientious & thoughtful.  

  2. ask them if you can do a phone interview.......

    they didn't respect your time so.......ft

  3. I would be very upset too.  I myself am looking for a job and have been dissed like that before a few months back.  The company called me for the 2nd interview and I went and I didn't get the job.  I was upset.  I did however write a thank you note to the company thanking them for the 2nd interview anyway.  You never know the person they hired juts might quit before they start.  Good luck in your job search!

  4. You should be mad at yourself for not asking enough questions when you organised the "interview".

    It's not rude to ask what form the interview will take.

    An employer isn't going to change their business structure just to suit you. Also if it's such a chore to go to the interview, how good are you going to be as an employee.

    You've got to put yourself in the employers shoes.

    They don't even know you exist or care for that matter. You want to work for their organization, you have to make sacrifices to prove your worth. Then once you get yourself in, start to make unreasonable demands.

  5. I'd be freaking PISSED!

  6. hope you resume was good.  I used this resume writing service in my area, this is the email address, ( you should try them, it only cost me $35.00 and I got a great job from this new resume, I never thought about the format that they use but the turn around time was less then 24 hrs.  I would have to say it was the best service I have ever used and it was worth every dime.  Also they let me pay through paypal.

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