
I had s*x for the first time?

by  |  earlier

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I had s*x for the first time, of course i was nervous and scared and it hurt at first. well we had s*x the next day also. well the following morning in between my v****a and a**s hurt. it hurts when i walked so what i decided to do was to check myself with a mirror. and it looks as where my a**s is there are 3 bumps that look like they would belong inside of me not on the outside. it hurts really bad. and i can really sit or stand for a long time. is this wrong? please i need some help and need to know if it normal.




  1. It is probably herpes,  go to the doctor immediately and let them see it.  Also you should be careful of having s*x at such a young age because your v****a may get damaged and won't be able to work the rest of your life.  So I'd go tell your dad you had s*x but make sure your boyfriend is around when you tell your dad and I guarantee you the situation will clear up.

  2. First time s*x is always difficult. Often some girls cannot seat for few days. Discover everything about first s*x below

  3. of course it will hurt it hurts the first time especially because of "a cherry being popped" it will hurt dont worry its normal and if you want and arent sure you should go to a doctor.

  4. Soak in a warm tub of water for about 15 minutes twice a day. It will help with the discomfort and swelling.  

  5. Sounds like you developed hemmoroids. medicine is available at any drugstore for treatment.

  6. s*x can hurt the first time.

    Bruising is natural for the first time and sometimes afterwards too.

    I could berily walk after my first time either.

    Now days after I've had s*x enough that I don't know how many times I have, sometimes My a**s hurts too because he was pushing so her and stretched the skin.

    I think You'll be fine. if the pain doesn't go away in a few days ask your mom or doctor or someone you trust to help you. good luck

  7. It sounds like you have a prolapsed r****m.  Do a Google image search for that to see if that's what you're describing.  If so, you'll probably want to see a doctor.  Was it anal s*x?

  8. Sometimes a very large p***s can cause pain...and problems with walking...then could just be because its your first time...i suggest you just relax and lay down...or take some pain medicine...if it doesn't go away you might want to research it or tell someone you trust.

  9. u broke ur hymn*

  10. Erm maybe see a doctor if its like that.

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