
I had s*x just about 4weeks ago and i am 2days late stil gettin period pains could i be pregnant?

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I had s*x just about 4weeks ago and i am 2days late stil gettin period pains could i be pregnant?




  1. Take a test and you'll then know for sure. Remember though you might need to retest if still no period in a few days! I'm 7 weeks pregnant and still getting period-like pains. Apparently it's the uterus stretching. Good luck whichever way you want it!

  2. Ive had really bad tummy cramps, and no sign of my period. Even 2 weeks later.... & wasnt pregnant. That happend alot of times!

    take a test though and put your mind at rest. :d x

  3. you could be, cause haveing cramps and period pain and not haveing a period is a sign.

    but, your only two days late.

    i have been 4 days late and 6 days late before...

    take a test !

  4. your tests should be accurate right now..remember not all cycles will be exactly the same for the rest of your life

    could be diet changes, stress, hormonal changes anything of that nature

    an accurate time to test would be 19 or more days after intercourse...that would be the approximate time when implantation happens and your HCG levels will be there

    test tomorrow morning

  5. Do a test! That should tell you better than anyone on here can.

  6. Anything is possible.  I don't think 2 days is anything to worry about at this point.  Is it typical that you're late a few days?  Save yourself the worries next time and use some form of birth control (condoms work well) or don't do it.  I would not even suggest taking a test because you can get false readings from them.  Just wait and learn from this.  I wish you the best of luck.  

  7. ok just get down pramey and get some tests and ask your boyfriend if he lokes the idea of having a baby thats if ovesley make sure its a possvite

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