
I had s*x last night, my boyfreind came inside me, But I have been on the pill for 13 days, Will I be ok?

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*We did try it with a codom on, but it was too slippy and it wouldnt go in, so we did it without*




  1. you should be fine...

    if your still worried in a week, take a test.

    if you are pregnant, s***w everyone, make the right decision regardless of what that may be.  

  2. Even if you take the pill correctly and have s*x without a condom you could be pregnant.

    It was a stupid idea to miss almost 2 weeks of medication then have unprotected s*x.  

    Do not kill that baby for your mistake.

  3. Whenever you engage in sexual intercourse whether is be with a condom or with you on the pill, there is always a chance that pregnancy can happen.  No one birth control method is 100% effective.

    If you are concerned about getting pregnant, then you must know that abstinence is the ONLY 100% effective way against pregnancy.

    Take care.

  4. the pill takes about a month to be effective, so it's likely that you may be pregnant. if you're more than a week late take a home pregnancy test. don't stress out about it. it will make you physically sick (that's what happened to me).

    i've had that same problem with condoms too.

    oh and btw the morning after pill cost more than the pill (29.95 for two tablets!) and i don't think you can be on the pill and take the morning after pill with it.

  5. The pill is not 100% effective, there are many variants that can mess with the effectiveness. I've heard that women who are slightly overweight (or larger) and on the pill have up to 50% less protection against pregnancy while on the pill. Also, if you don't take your pill at the same time every day, this can have an affect on it. I would be careful from here on out, always use a condom and get the Morning After Pill from your local health department, it won't cost you much (or anything at all) but do it soon because you have to take it within 48 hours of the unprotected intercourse.

  6. Go and see your GP as soon as possible. They will work out whether you were at risk and prescribe the morning after pill if you don't want to be pregnant. Don't delay go today.  

  7. Depends when on your cycle you started taking them, if it was the first day of your period then you will probably ok. You are meant to wait at least 14 days though.


  8. Oh dear, one wonders how you have managed to enter your sexual career with so little knowledge of s*x education. I also wonder about the quality of your prescribing physician if he failed in his duty to give you adequate information as to how the pill functioned!

    Breathe easily and relax, by 13 days you should have full contraceptive cover, which is in the case of the pill, 99.8%. Of course without a condom you have no STI cover at all.

  9. you should be ok but there again there are people who have got pregnant while on the pill.i hope you keep the baby if you are :-)

  10. woahh..check a pregnancy test

  11. hey, yeah u should be ok, i was!! the mornin after pill is actually free if ur in the uk.  

  12. no here comes bady

  13. should be alright but go to the chemist quick and get the morning after pill just in case

  14. If you started taking the pill on the first or second day of your period you are protected immediatley. If you started at any other time, you are protected from day seven of pill taking. Provided you followed all the rules.

    This is based on the mini pill and if you are on the combined pill, read the info leaflet in the packet or wait for a better answer.

    You and your boyfriend need to sort out this condom thing. Pills do not protect from STD's.

  15. As soon as you take the pill you are protected.  But the pill is not 100% effective and also things like taking it at the same time of the day come into account, but hopefully you will be ok :)

  16. and now you ruined your life LMAO  

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