
I had s*x with my friends hot mom and Im only 14 im scared ?

by  |  earlier

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What happens if her husband finds out and if my friend does to.




  1. Tell him u loved it and make you friends jelouse

    u got some at 14 yrs

    there still  in the bathroom w/ a magazine and 5 finger sally

    go back to her it will keep u young

  2. I am surprised she felt anything being your still a child but Hey that was my wife you messed with boy, fine you can keep her and finish raising my kids.  By the way she told me this morning that she is pregnant and it's yours so get a job boy.

  3. she will have to go to jail

  4. good god almighty lol STARRED

  5. Your friend's mother will get in huge trouble! she can go to the jail cause you are only 14! C'mon for real you had s*x with her? Shame on you and Stay away from her!

  6. Husband will beat the living **** out of you and your friend will disown you. What else would expect?

  7. wow, your screwed if they find out, most likely the freind will be disgusted and never speak to you again, and the dad may be a little angry, or at least enough to kill you both, dont tell anybody, andid say good job, but thats a little disturbed

  8. Uh, don't tell anyone...

  9. dude doont worry about that man u just banged a hot milf u should be concentrating on making it a regular thing

  10. oh dear, what a messed up and twisted imagination you have little one. i don't exactly think that having s*x with your friends mother is the issue you need help with, its the LIES. lol funny, yet sick.

  11. you are the man, lol,

    dont do it again though..

  12. omg

    that is so bad what were you thinking and what was she thinking your 14 and she is  way older then you what if she got pregnant now how are you going to explain that

  13. Wow.................I'm not going to say that's ok, because it's not. How the freak did you manage to do that? I mean, you need more self esteem for yourself, honey. That's wrong. She's wrong for having s*x with you. I mean, it's really her fault, not completly yours. She's the adult, not you.

  14. Sure, I wrestled a Lion and won.

  15. wtf!!


    nice one

  16. If what you say is true then stay the h**l away from that family before the mom rapes you again, her husband cuts your tallywacker off and your friend hates you for life....

    But I am guessing you are just bored. Use your overactive imagination to write a book or something. I think hustler fourm takes those kind of submissions LOL

  17. Oh there must be a commercial break during sponge bob.

  18. well that wasnt very clever was it?

    I really dont believe you im afraid, why would a married woman sleep with her son's 14yo son?

    oh dear..

  19. Thats nasty. What kind of woman has s*x with a child. she'll go to jail. For having s*x with minor. The husband well he'll be really mad.

  20. dayum.!

    that is so wrong.!

    guys can say their friends moms' are hot but you do NOT do something like that

  21. hahahaha why would you do that !

    You do know she can get arrested if the cops find out because that is considered rape........ :{

  22. lol hw is anyone gona find out unless u gona tell sum1, she wudnt b stupid enuf to brag about it wud she, unless she got issues. either way u will *** out of this lookin like the innocent one so chill out,lool

  23. They will throw you a Congratulations party  and tell you how proud of you they are that you had s*x with their wife/mom. OMG......Why were you having s*x with her in the first place. Well all you can do now is act like nothing ever happened, or you can just keep going at it. Your choice. Well have a nice day.

  24. you shouldnt even have any friends for what you did. she need to be put in jail, and you need to be on punishment, thats just grose

  25. In fact she is the person that should be scarred of legal problems not you man

  26. omg, if this is real, she deserves to be in prison. and you are just wrong for doing that! yikes! what is going on in this world???!

  27. What is the world coming to today? That's just wrong and messed up.She needs to go to jail and you need to get conseling.

  28. Dumb a** you shouldn't be telling people that. If I or anyone else was a police on here they could get your friends mom for having s*x with a minor.

    Well your friend could be on here and you just told it so you friend might already know just like the husband. And if the husband finds out he will probably hurt you and the wife both and as to go with your ''friend'' he probably isn't going to anymore.

  29. how could u do that.. but don't tell.. u will break up a family and lose a friend

  30. It's not about if her husband finds out, it's about if the law finds out. She can go to jail for child molestation. .

  31. Well if her husband founds out hopefully he would report her because what she it was called a CRIME and she should go to jail. And and as far as your friend...well u may just lose that friend. And then you should ask yourself was it worth it.

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