
I had s*x with this guy tonight and...seriously please help?

by Guest60633  |  earlier

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I've only had girlfriends in my whole life, I've never even touched a p***s. but this guy was a good friend and he promised me that he wouldn't hurt me and all that.

But now I feel old and used and disgusting. I've taken a boiling hot shower and a cold shower and I've gone for a walk and listened to music and everything but I still feel absolutely horrible. I'm even having thoughts of suicide... what the h**l is wrong with me? why am I such a horrible person? I'm a good college student with good grades and a big heart. So why do I feel so used and gross and horrible?????

What is wrong with me??




  1. Cut the guy loose, forget about him, go to your close girl buddies for advice if you trust them enough, get counseling.

    And also, email me, if you have anymore questions, btw you are not, old used or disgusting, you just felt wrong for trying out something new or you thought he was a good friend, but he really just used you and lied to you.

    Don't even think about suicide, it is not the best option nor is it the only option.

  2. You probably feel that way because there was no connection between you and him. It sounds like you tried it because you was curious and he was willing to be the one. But your not a horrible person at all! Okay you tried it and you found out you didn't like and you don't ever have to be with another guy again thats your choice but its okay! Calm down and call your friends and spend time with them today. Hope you feel better.    

  3. actualy u must do with another guy also then u will not feel horrible

  4. you were used perhaps. best get professional help or call a help line.

  5. Why did you have s*x with him in the first place? Were you just curious about men? Since you had never had penetration before it is possible that your just in shock from it all. Did you tell him to stop? Did he rape you? Did you use protection?

    Honey, you need to talk to someone close to you to help you sort all of this out. You made a mistake, and I know this sounds trite, but with time the pain will get better. Your stronger than this thing, and your not going to let it break you.

    Your life is far to precious for that.

    Good luck, and you can message me if you need to!


  6. Because you were a w***e

  7. nothing is wrong with you,thats normal...OMG!!!!!U R'NT PREGNANT...RIGHT?look,i am your really close friend and i know the guy u had s*x with,so dont lie

  8. Just take a deep breath and exhale all of this mind numbing anxiety away. Just think for a sec ,after you gather you thoughts answers these question and somewhere you will form your own answer.

    Did I allow myself to be use?

    Or is this all in my head?

    Am I confuse?

    Who do I like better Brad Pit or Angelina?

    If you chose Angelina than stick to the ladies baby doll. lol.  

  9. Wow, never heard of someone disgusted then... Different people receive different reactions from their first time.  Others would feel like their conscience is killing them, others would feel a lot of fear of catching a disease or pregnancy, others would immediately click and want more.  Wait for a while for it to sink in and reflect on it. Don't commit suicide!!!  Next time, use protection to prevent spread of disease or unwanted pregnancy.  Better yet, refrain from it and continue your studies first!!!

  10. you didn't Love him, don't feel as though you need to have s*x just because everyone else is doing so.

    just put those thoughts behind you maybe someday you will meet the guy you will really Love you will feel better about yourself.

  11. these emotions u going thro' are normal.  get over feeling something's wrong with you because it ain't gonna change what happened.  u are never gonna forget this experience so think about your well being and try to move forward.  don't bring yourself down!

  12. There is nothing wrong with you! You are confused.  Please don't consider suicide!  We have made mistakes in life and you are not a bad person!  the past is just the past.  don't let it bother you!

  13. well 1rst of all dont think about suicide thats so not worth it !! Now like sm ppl said its ovr nd done with so dont thnk about it!! jst let it go nd never do that again... or ull b g*y! nd lisen 2 the song "I kissed a girl " by katty perry :D its kinda funny ! dont worry about it :D ull b f9 :D

  14. Seek a psycratist help.. nothing wrong in that.

    May be, u let feel that u've lost your virginity. Dont worry much.

    Have some coffee, listen to music.... Best done is meet your best girlfriend or call her up. Dont cry much, things are over.

    Dont hurt yourself... u r a good girl;

    Take care. Best wishes from me.

  15. You're in college, so it's not like you're that young or anything.  Did you enjoy it?  That's the question, if not don't be with him again.  What do he do you to cause you to feel used?  You didn't have to do it, so why did you?  You must have had a reason.   Think about that before you have anymore relationships.  Don't worry about it so much, wait to see what happens with him before you rush into any judging of youself or him.  And of course, always use protection with him or someone else.

  16. hold on so are you a girl- cause if you are then would that mean your a L*****n cause it said you only had girlfriends or are you a guy- cause if your a guy and touched a guys p***s then you have got some seriously issues well you do either way if your a guy ******* humping a guy or a girl thats in love with girls yewwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sicko

  17. Ok, are u g*y?? cuz u said u had girlfriends all your life.

    Basically you where used, and u can tell that you where used. Try to get some help.

  18. probably because, it wasnt your wish to have s*x with him.

    Or the fact that he wasnt really gentle with you, or even considerate, since you have never touched a guy before??

    Is he just a friend? that probably why? you dont love him, so when you did it, it was just....physical... and you just didnt like it.

    Go talk to someone. It  might make you feel better to talk to a real person.

  19. Your feeling that way because you didn't love the guy. You opened yourself up to him and he just used you and took what he wanted. You know that now and feel dirty and used.

    There's nothing wrong in how your feeling you just picked the wrong person. Seek help getting over these feelings your having and remember your not a horrible person you just mad a mistake.

  20. so you'r e a L*****n? if you feel dirty about doing it with a guy, just let it go. you  did it, you did it, it's the past, don't kill yourself over something so petty, yes?

  21. You are not a terrible person. You were talked into something that you really didn't want & now it's preying on your mind. I don't know if he intentionally used you, but it sounds like he did.

    First things first- please see someone immediately for some therapy. You are not old, used, or disgusting. You are a person who is worthy to live on planet earth & is deserving of only the best thins in life.

    Secondly, I'd cut this guy out of your life. He's the one who is horrible. Not you. He knew that you didn't like guys & he manipulated you into having s*x with him, even though you didn't love him or were attracted to him.

    Thirdly, be kind to yourself. Healing from something like this is going to take time. This wasn't your fault. You didn't know that you'd react like this & he should have stopped the minute that you started reacting badly. If you start feeling suicidal or anything, call up the campus therapist. There should be someone either on call or they should be able to direct you to someone who can talk to you. Call a friend, someone you can trust, to sit with you right now & help you through this.  

  22. You are not a horrible person. I am sure you are a good person with the fact that you are conscious of your own feelings and by going to college to pursue your goal. I don't know why you feel used. This guy you made love to is your friend. Maybe you feel horrible because you unconsciously feel that you betrayed yourself. You said you had girlfriends all of your life, this new man you now have a relationship with is different from what you know. Don't be harsh on yourself. Sit down and be logical about this situation. Go over in your mind what happened and accept. This is no reason to be suicidal about it. Making love, upon agreement, should be a good thing. Talk to the guy also. He will help console you. You are in it together.

    Best wishes! Get better!  

  23. Get serious help. Don't make the mistake that you cannot fix.

  24. It just might be the wrong guy..

    its over, so dont think about it.

    go hang out with your girlfriends.

    they'll make you feel better

  25. Cheer up things will be ok just give it some time.  Everything will turn out allright

  26. You probably were not in that mindset of making love with your bf but still just for the sake of it you did. Therefore you are feeling that way.

    Never try again until you are completely convinced and willing to go for it.For the moment you should just chill and try to forget. It will take time but you have to.

  27. your L*****n, thats why you feel the way you do because men are not your cup of tea in your mind try think of this experience as a one off, now you know better,i dont know for sure but it also sounds like this experience has triggered a past experience from hern you were younger perhaps rape, molestation? and the feelings have arised again,

  28. You are feeling the way you are feeling because you are probably uncomfortable having had a sexual relationship with a guy since you are used to girls. Honestly, you really were used by the guy and if I were you I wouldn't consider him a friend anymore.

    Just because you had s*x with a guy does not mean that you are dirty or that something is wrong with you. We all go through the "i am so _______" stage (i.e. fat, ugly, selfish, etc.). There is NOTHING wrong with you, what you're feeling right now is just a negative response from your body to an action that you are not accustomed to doing; it is perfectly natural for you to react this way.

    If you still are feeling horrible, please try reaching out to a psychiatrist. If you are uncomfortable with that, try talking things out with a close friend whom you can trust (most likely a girl). I hope that if you talk things out with your friend that you'll feel a lot better about the whole situation, and more importantly, about yourself.

  29. talk to someone who is willing to listen and who will open up with you, like close friends!! if they're not used to it then what wbout your parents?

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