
I had systems of bladder infection but this time it was more painful and blood was very visible in my urine.?

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My dr called in cypro (sp ?) for me because I have a history of bladder infections and I do not have health insurance or the money to go to the dr right now. It seems to be helping but I have never seen blood in urine before. Since taking the Rx the blood in urine has stopped but still feels alittle sore in that area. I called dr but they want me to come in. could it just probably be kidney stone and it passed?




  1. My suggestion is trying to get as much as information as you could before making any decision,here is a good resourece.

  2. As a stop gap solution try drinking Cranberry juice.  

    Do go and see a doctor.  There are clinics and just to be sure that it isn't anything worse.  If you see blood then it is your body telling you something is wrong.  Get help.  Don't wait.  

  3. if I were you I would request a renal(kidney) function test. Find the money from somewhere or try and get to a free clinic. They will also test you for STI's and urine infection along with this- your symptoms could be any of these issues. Do not leave it to chance and just hope that it gets better. If money is the only issue that is stopping you from getting help find someone or someway to alleviate this financial problem.

    Hope that helps.

  4. u definitely need to consult ur doc

  5. Your doctor has called in a good medicine -- Cipro works VERY well for bladder infections.  

    It's not uncommon to see blood in the urine with bladder infections, and yes, with kidney stones.  However, if you had a kidney stone, your pain would be nearly incomprehensible.  They are VERY painful, and patients will usually come in or go to the E.R.

    The soreness will go away progressively.  Just be patient.  If you want, you can get an over-the-counter medicine called AzoStandard to reduce the irritation you're feeling, especially when you void.

    Be sure to take each and EVERY last pill the doctor prescribed, even though you may feel perfectly fine in a couple of days.  

    Best of luck!

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