So about 10 minutes ago, i just woke up from the scariest dream ever. The highlights:
-My grandma kicked my aunt out of her house.
-I had a HUGE argument with my dad, but i forgot the reason why.
-and then i remember everybody (my cousins, my uncle, my mom and my dad) packing her stuff into a car) and my aunt was trying to get as much food in her stomach as possible, and she looked like she never ate food before
-I was driving my uncles car with my grandma (i have no idea why, im only 14). And i kept on causing accidents on the road, and i killed a few people. oops.
-We ended up at the mall and i look up and the clous are gray and black. Thers absolutely little sunlight. Then a volcano explodes. We got out of the car to hear what the big BOOM was. then i told my granny to rush back in.
-As we were going back in the car, i hear this lady say "goodbye to all the good earth"
-as we were driving, i was crying my eyes out, saying "i love you dad" "i love you grandma"